Charlotry and a charlatan is standing on her soap box and selling whatever she can for money, deceiver and lies will not get you into heaven: This Broad a Fraud, Patricia Diane Cota-Robles! As Holiness David speaks! Song sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother
The day of dawning comes to those who walk hand in hand with God (oneness), but when you have all closed your doors how can you think you know more! The way of love is openness and resolving all our differences, but not saying I know the truth when God has sent the Christ to you, (the many white calves as there are many Christal people walking the earth right now, including Elder Crystal person, white buffalo calf woman, your twin deer mother).
There is not such thing, "Mother Father God", for we are part (relative) of one per God (oneness), the relatives who call our hopes, are called the Great Spirits who roam and boast, that they will lead us through the fire, the lighted sky, the loaded mire. And when you think you know it all, and sell what God gift to us all, you've lost your way, and I say, I'm sad today, when you decide to know the way. But you do not even come to those who you call Christians come! You put them down and pick them up, and then you say it's all in a cup, and how dare you say, the untruth of your ways, when you don't have a Magenta overlay. (magenta and christal people tend to have many visions, and hear the spirits with direct knowledge, but only Christal-crystal people speak truth, since even Magentas are at the horizon of all the Rainbow colors).
You speak that you got this information, from beings of light who came to you, but you talk as if you know all that has come, and you don't even get perfect downloads. The channel is to learn of love, to be the one, who received from above, to teach you below, to walk in a glow, to hand out your heart to all that you know. But you keep the doors closed, and you keep all the ways to know, as if you think that you speak truth, when you can't even fly around you. You are chained to the railing and not even free, how do you think you could lead all of thee. You speak from a Christian point of view, not God, not Oneness but your point of view.
The way of belonging is simple indeed. It's love that keeps us safe in the arms of relatives. And if I was in your arms, I would be thrown out with the dogs, because you will not receive me, nor will you receive God. You think that wisdom comes from above, but truly you don't know what you have inside. Because you don't trust yourself, you need all the leaves (relatives) to say, "Good how are you, a pat on the back is what you need." A warrior stands with the hand of God, the Oneness who protects the lamb of God and they will not defend thee, or say Go away, for they would feed me and house me this day.
Now you would throw me over the river bank and not pray, but all true loyal royal servants do may (they would pray and serve instead of walk away). They will bless you coming and going too, that's for sure, they won't say, I know all of you! They say, give me love, and I will gift to you, the heart of the people who relatives are true, but many claim they has wisdom and sell it all the days, because they think MONEY is going to save their day! Now money was a tool, to help us along the way, but not to be the paradise that you claim and throw away. How could you believe all that untruth that you speak, for it's not God, but only what you keep. You keep trouble around you, and you don't bless the day! And you don't think that you need to pray, and how do you think that God will save your way, when you don't listen to the Rules they sent your way (ten commandments).
The love of Christ is the way to open doors to God (into heaven or down into earth, swings both ways), the place of Wisdom where truth abounds and plays, but you have Christ inside of you this sacred day, and you just push them all away. You think that God is knowing because of you, but you don't listen to other peoples view. Now how could you think that you know the way, when you speak of judgment and what Christ said this day! You have no idea what Jesus did on Earth! You have no idea what he said in this girth. You have no idea, of what has been sent your way, the Christ of today, and it's the White Calves all this way. The white calves are all those Crystal people sure, who don't have friends, but relatives who know more, for they will receive you, with love when you walk their way, but they will also speak truth to your day.
The many of people need truth and not from you! You don't even know, what Colors you have to view (rainbow colors of your garment of lights). And you think your opinion means more than others please, because you walk with False Ones, who claim "I have all you need". You sell and you hide from everyone this day! You come to their hearts and say, "I know the way", but you don't even open your doors to display, the way of loving others this day! You never respond to anyone, who comes to you to ask. You never respond to anyone who blasts, you only answer your door if you say, "I got money to gift to you", then surely your door opens and you say come in to doir ( freedom). You trick all the people when you say you know the way, the false majesty that doesn't know the way. For the only ones who wear crowns are here to judge the people sure, and you don't wear this, this is absolute true.
Another crystal (christal) person can validate this truth. And all you say, is but a "blessings that is a noose" (your blessings are not truth only false deities). You hang all the people who follow what you say, because you trick them with all the nice words you say. Just like a con artist who says, what people want to hear, to con them and trick them to get what you need, remember I said, you need, "a pat on the back" this day, because you don't trust your self and need others to validate your way. Try trusting your heartbeat and opening doors. Try feeding the homeless and gifting them more. And how about the little ones who have no protection for sure, you just say that's for someone else, who doesn't mean more! You throw away miracles, because you turn away. You don't come for blessings, to know God this way, and only the Natives and Suns of Israel will show you the way home, for God has already chose! (Evolution)
sung by white buffalo calf woman
drum by Holiness David Running Eagle
Spirit of Ma'at and Drunvalo, who claims he is Melchizedek, he is not ordained at all, never has been and now, he shall not be ordained for sure, for his very bad behavior. Cosmic Father is supposed to bring brotherhood, not teach false witness to others and then teach them to sell and avoid the relatives. As now, his door is closed to all, and she (Patricia Diane Cota-Robles) too has done the same! This is NOT LOVE or KNOWING OF LOVE!
By the way, Christ Consciousness only happens with Christal people, not with everyone. She doesn't even understand the Crystal Stone River for she has no idea what she is talking about. It's make believe and all fantasy, and not truth, the illusion of a Reflection and where all the Bright light of the Rainbow do occur like all Magenta people, there is no way TRUTH can be spoken from this point of view! And Christians are to follow the laws of heaven Christ brings, these are Christal people everywhere. Probably the one you blame for everything that goes wrong, just like Jesus was blamed for all things! He was surely not accepted in his time, nor are Christal people accepted in this time, the changing of evolution, for only the pure hearted and blessed lambs of God, welcome into the house of the beloved.
From: Twin Deer Mother (white buffalo calf woman, your twin deer mother)
To: Patricia Cota-Robles
, cc: Elders plan Migration (
Date: Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 5:29 PM
Subject: re: THE WONDER OF IT ALL - Part 1 of 2
Please, you don't know about anything you speak about! (Talk about a point of view of a White Christian)
This is evolution, and nothing others say will change the fact of this one simple comment.
The Survival of the fittest will survive,
, not luminosity, but numinousity. use your heart, not what others dictate to you! you will fail, because you think you teach what will be, but the fact is, what will be, is already written and no MOTHER FATHER God is going to save anyone of us, is will be the Survival of the fittest.
Remove me from your listing, I think I already left once. But hey, now you can do it. you never,
not ever respond to anyone, you are not Fit, and you will die when the Red Sky comes!
your devoted servant, white buffalo calf woman, your twin deer mother walk with frauds (Spirit of Ma'at and Drunvalo, who claims he is Melchezedec, he is not ordained at all, never has been and now, he shall not be ordained for sure, for his very bad behavior. Drunvalo the Cosmic Father is supposed to bring brotherhood, not teach false witness to others and then teach them to sell and avoid the relatives. His door is closed to all, and she, Patricia Diane Cota-Robles, too has done the same!) who sell God, start learning love!
Nothing below is truth, it is specifically the viewpoint of a Magenta know it all, and a White Christian who has broken so many laws because her door is closed and she is not willing to receive anyone, other than those who break laws. This is typical writings of hers, as well as others who think they know the truth of evolution. Evolution has four seasons, and we are part of this changing.
People don't even know what chakras are these days, in fact they don't even know where they are located, because this old information was for the last phase of evolution the second phase, however it was still wrong, because we did not know our Souls, which come from heaven, we only used our flesh for information, and now, we are entering a new phase where Heaven is descending into the realm of lights.
You want truth, go to a Christal (crystal) person if you can receive any of them. It's the one you probably reject even in your own family member, because we don't want truth, we want deceit and lies, for this gifts us a pat on the back and no suffering is here. True love suffers, and gifts all for free. Love costs nothing, except more love. Giving is for the purpose of learning to receive. Learn to recieve you relatives all of them even the ones you disagree with.
You want to learn how to be a rainbow warrior, then join us at the third hoop, and family and elders will guide your way into the next phase of evolution. As I said, ONLY The FITTEST SHALL SURVIVE, those who practice the law of love, but standing your ground and embracing all first before anything is said or done. Love brings us together, where we can solve anything. Care for others more than your self, this is the law of love, when we become SLAVES to each other. Servants to the people, speak truth and walk the road of Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy and do not sell God or Spirituality to the world like Patricia Diane Cota-Robles or Spirit of Ma'at and Drunvalo who are simply frauds.
By the way, she, Patti, cannot teach about Jesus, for she is not a Christal person, she is a Magenta who has lost her way. Only another Christal person can speak truth. And Patricia wasn't even there, to presume she knows these as facts is just down right lies. And if you want to know truth, come to my door for it is always open, free for you to enter and leave where truth will be gifted to you in a treasure freely. Can you receive your own truth? That I will leave with you...when I read your book of life, written in your rainbow colors, and no one even heaven can hide from TRUTH for I can read you anytime, anywhere and so will so many in the future. Start making your self pure, start with prayer and blessings, come receive your truth and make yourself better in the eyes of the Heavenly Great Spirit Father and Great Spirit Mother who leads us always, including our evolutionary times of the "Dawning". We enter 2012 and 2013 we begin the march homeward into the valley of darkness, Heaven upon Earth, the third phase of evolution.
your devoted servant,
white buffalo calf woman, your twin deer mother
elder christal person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter
ps. you want to know your rainbow colors email me at and ask for your Rainbow Color Blessings Free without any charge, or join me at each week by telephone conference 4pm PST Dial-in number: 1-641-715-3715 PIN: #062013
ps. It is people like her that receive monies from large corporations, and now after years of deception and no real help to the people, corporations like Hewlett Packard, Intel and Yahoo do not give to non-profit organizations. For even churches, now a days work for money and not for the people and Religion is big business. Follow the laws of God, the ten commandments left behind for all the world knows these simple laws, start practicing what an Elder Christal left behind, Moses!
On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 11:30 AM, Patricia Cota-Robles
wrote empty words of charlatan who has knowledge of blessings or law of love. Evil is impure darkness, you need only bless to bring darkness home. She is using empty words who fools others with her pretty language and cheating of truth all to get a pat on the back, my goodness!" your devoted servant,
white buffalo calf woman, your twin deer mother:
THE WONDER OF IT ALL - Part 1 of 2
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
http:// eraof peace. org
This is the most difficult article I have ever written, simply because words cannot adequately express the wonder of what has taken place. Since the beginning of this year, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have been saying that 2009 is a turning point. They said it will be the year that is referred to throughout the Ages as the Cosmic Moment when the collective masses of Humanity changed our course of direction and reclaimed our Divine Birthright as Beloved Sons and Daughters of God. Even though Lightworkers around the world heard those words, I do not believe anyone grasped the magnitude of just what they meant.
What I am going to share with you now is known through your I AM Presence and is recorded within the deepest recesses of your heart. This is not something new that you are learning through this article. This is something that you personally experienced through the Presence of God pulsating in your Heart Flame. Ask your I AM Presence to help you remember on a conscious level the glory of this event. Allow the Flame of Truth within your heart to reveal to you the miracle that has transpired.
For clarity, the Company of Heaven asked me to reiterate a little of the information that they have shared with Humanity in the past. Their intent is to help all of us understand the groundwork that was laid in preparation for this moment. As you read these words, please ask your I AM Presence to help you "see with new eyes and hear with new ears." This glorious occurrence has been a work in progress for millennia.
At the beginning of the Piscean Age, a little over 2,000 years ago, our Father-Mother God observed the progress of their Sons and Daughters evolving on Earth. This evaluation allowed them to determine what the greatest need of the hour was for our spiritual growth and what our next learning experience should be in order to accomplish that goal. This type of evaluation occurs at the dawn of each New Age. It is a natural part of the evolutionary process in this Earthly school of learning.
Our God Parents knew that their precious Children abiding on Earth had truly lost our way. We were buried in the illusion of separation, and we had forgotten that we are Divine Sons and Daughters of God. We were no longer conscious of the reality that all our Father-Mother God have is ours.
Humanity was experiencing the oppressive grip of unbearable pain and suffering. This was caused by our free will choices and the misuse of our creative faculties of thought and feeling, which occurred as a result of our fall from Grace aeons ago. In the throes of our misery, we came to the erroneous conclusion that we are worthless sinners and worms in the dust. Since we become who we believe we are, this self-destructive belief was catapulting us into the depths of darkness and despair. It was clear that in order to reverse Humanity's downward spiral into oblivion, we needed to remember the Truth about who we are and to reclaim our Divine Potential.
A Divine Plan was set into motion, and a Beloved Son of God was summoned from the Great Silence. This precious Being is the one we know as Jesus, the Christ. Jesus volunteered to embody on Planet Earth to demonstrate to the Children of God evolving here the Truth of our own Divinity. He was chosen to anchor, through his example, the archetype for Humanity's return to Christ Consciousness. A critical facet of his Divine Mission was to model the path of Oneness and Divine Love, which is the only way Home to the Heart of God.
During what is referred to as "the lost 18 years," Jesus studied in the mystery schools of India, Tibet, and Egypt. At the age of 30, when it was time for him to begin his mission of anchoring the archetype for Humanity's return to Christ Consciousness, he demonstrated for all the world to see the imperative first step- the return of the Divine Feminine, our Mother God, the Holy Spirit.
The Divine Intelligence we refer to as God is a radiant forcefield of pure Light that encompasses every particle and wave of Life in the whole of Creation. God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. God is the Alpha-I-and the Omega-AM-the beginning and the ending-the Cosmic I AM. God is All That Is.
This Divine Intelligence pulsates with a masculine polarity and a feminine polarity. The masculine polarity is our Father God. This aspect of God radiates forth a sapphire blue frequency of Light that infuses all Creation with Divine Will, Power, and Authority. The feminine polarity is our Mother God. This aspect of God radiates forth a crystalline pink frequency of Light that infuses all Creation with Divine Love, Adoration, and Reverence for All Life. The activity of our Father God is the Outbreath of Creation. The activity of our Mother God is the Inbreath of Creation.
When they are in perfect balance, the sapphire blue frequency of our Father God and the crystalline pink frequency of our Mother God merge into an unfathomable frequency of Divine Light. This balanced pulsation of our Father-Mother God is the Sacred Fire, known through all Creation, as the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection.
In the beginning the sapphire blue Flame of our Father God activated our left-brain hemispheres and the power center within our Throat Chakras. The crystalline pink Flame of our Mother God activated our right-brain hemispheres and the love center within our Heart Chakras. When these two Sacred Fires merge within us in perfect balance, the resulting Violet Flame activates our spiritual brain centers.
These centers consist of our pituitary, pineal, and hypothalamus glands, and the ganglionic centers at the base of our brains. When these spiritual centers are fully activated, our Crown Chakras of enlightenment open to full breadth. The Sacred Fire associated with our Crown Chakras is the yellow-gold Flame of Wisdom or Christ Consciousness. Only when the masculine and feminine polarities of our Father-Mother God are balanced within us and our Crown Chakras are fully open, can we attain our Divine Potential as Sons and Daughters of God.
These three Flames: the blue Flame of Power, the pink Flame of Love, and the gold Flame of Wisdom are secured within the Divinity of every person's heart. They form what is known as our Immortal Victorious Threefold Flames. These Flames were clearly seen pulsating within the heart of Jesus. That is why the Sacred Heart of Jesus is depicted with a Flame blazing within its center.
Our Immortal Victorious Threefold Flames represent the true meaning of the Holy Trinity: the blue Flame of our Father God's Power, the pink Flame of our Mother God's Love-the Holy Spirit, and the gold Flame of the Son or Daughter of God's Wisdom-the Christ.
The most tragic facet of Humanity's fall from Grace is that when we began using our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions to create patterns of imperfection that resulted in pain and suffering, we closed our Heart Chakras so that we would not feel pain so intensely. This horrific event blocked the portal through which the Divine Love of our Mother God, the Holy Spirit, entered the physical plane.
This event forced our Mother God to withdraw her love to a mere trickle of its original influence in our lives. This imbalance caused the hemisphere of our right brains to atrophy, which in turn caused our spiritual brain centers to deactivate and our Crown Chakras to close. We lost Christ Consciousness and the awareness that we are Divine Sons and Daughters of God. We also lost the awareness of our Mother God.
In desperation, we clung to a distorted perception of the Holy Spirit. We knew it was the Holy Comforter and the Love Nature of God, but because we no longer knew the Truth of the existence of our Mother God, we thought of the Holy Spirit as a masculine aspect of our Father God. For the first time, we began using our masculine power without the balance of our feminine love. This caused us to become aggressive, warlike, and domineering when we were in masculine bodies, and it caused us to suppress our power by allowing ourselves to be oppressed and dominated when we were in female bodies. We can observe the dire results of this extreme imbalance to this very day.
The reversal of this tragic situation, which involved the anchoring of the archetype for the return of our Mother God, was the imperative first step of Jesus' Divine Mission. At the age of 30, Beloved Jesus came to the banks of the Jordan River and immersed himself in the sacred water element. Water represents the emotional strata for the Earth as well as the emotional bodies for Humanity.
Once he was in the water, Jesus participated in a Divine Ceremony through which he anchored the archetype for the return of our Mother God, on behalf of all Humanity. In that ceremony, John the Baptist symbolically washed away the sins of the world by Baptizing Jesus with the Love of our Mother God-the Holy Spirit.
We have all seen pictures of Jesus standing in the Jordan River with the Dove of the Holy Spirit descending into his Crown Chakra. In that moment, Jesus' right-brain hemisphere was brought into perfect balance with his left-brain hemisphere. His spiritual brain centers were activated, and his Crown Chakra was opened to full breadth. When this occurred, Jesus became the Christ grown to full stature, and his mission of modeling Humanity's Divine Potential as Beloved Children of God began in earnest.
For the next three years, Jesus modeled the path of Oneness and Divine Love that each of us must follow in order to reclaim our Divine Birthright as Sons and Daughters of God. The path of Oneness and Divine Love is the only way the Children of God will return to the Heart of our Father and Mother. Jesus demonstrated our Divine Potential through the various miracles he performed, and clearly revealed the Oneness of Life through his dedication and reverence for ALL Life.
Much of Jesus' mission has been misunderstood. He did not come to establish a new religion. He came to remind every man, woman, child that we are Divine Children of God. His mission was to demonstrate this Truth by the way he lived his life. Many believe that Jesus alone is the Divine Child of God, the only begotten Son. They believe that he came to do everything for us because we are such lost and depraved souls. They have the misconception that if we just speak the words that affirm that we accept Jesus as our personal savior he will save us. This distorted belief is based in Humanity's deeply ingrained feelings of unworthiness, but it is certainly not what Beloved Jesus taught us.
Jesus' message was that the Divinity within each of us-the Christ-is the true Child of God, the only begotten Son or Daughter. He said throughout his ministry, "These things I do you shall do, and even greater things than these shall you do."
There are some other statements in the Bible that also reflect this Truth:
And Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your law, I said, 'YE ARE GODS'?"
"YE ARE GODS, and all of you are Children of the Most High."
And from Romans 8: 14-17, "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the Sons of God-the Spirit itself beareth witness with our Spirit that we are the Children of God; and if Children, then heirs, heirs of God, JOINT HEIRS WITH CHRIST."
At the age of 33, Jesus accomplished the final facets of his Divine Mission. Thirty-three is the master number that reflects the Christ made manifest. There is a lot of discussion at this time as to whether Jesus was actually crucified and whether or not he resurrected his body. The Company of Heaven has confirmed that both of these events were vitally important to the fulfillment of Jesus' Divine Plan.
Contrary to the guilt-inducing things we are often told, Jesus was not tortured and crucified in order to atone for Humanity's sins. This concept comes from the belief that we are worthless sinners and that we are so lowly someone outside of ourselves must save us. This belief perpetuates the notion that we are incapable of saving ourselves, but nothing could be further from the Truth. In fact, our Father-Mother God gave each of us the gift of free will and NO ONE is allowed to do this for us.
We lost the awareness of our own Divinity through our free will choices and the misuse of our creative faculties of thought and feeling. Consequently, the only way we will return to Christ Consciousness is through our own endeavors, and by following the path of Oneness and Divine Love that Jesus demonstrated for us.
Jesus agreed to be crucified in order to prove to the world that there is nothing the fallen human ego can do that will destroy the Divinity within us. His crucifixion and resurrection proved that even if one's physical body is abused, tortured, and crucified, the Christ within is eternal and lives on in our Light Body.
It is said that Jesus forgave the sins of the world, and in a way he did. When Jesus was hanging on the cross a Centurion pierced his side with a sword. His intent was to accelerate Jesus' death, and put him out of his misery. As his blood and Lifeforce flowed onto the Earth Jesus said, "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do." In that instant, through the Grace of God, our Father-Mother God allowed the Law of Forgiveness to be initiated for the first time as the order of the New Day on Earth.
Prior to that moment, the Children of God were subject solely to the Law of Karma or the Law of Cause and Effect. After the Law of Forgiveness was established on Earth, we had another option. Humanity could ask for forgiveness for the misuse of our precious gift of Life and be forgiven. We are still subject to the Law of Cause and Effect, but now when we recognize the error of our ways we can ask for forgiveness. This allows us to be forgiven without having to personally experience everything we deliberately or inadvertently created through the misuse of our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions.
It is important for us to understand that we are not forgiven just because Jesus was here, as some believe. We are forgiven if we recognize our mistakes, ask for forgiveness, and change our behavior patterns.
After Jesus' crucifixion and his resurrection into his Light Body, he had one more very important Truth to reveal to Humanity. It was obvious that the Children of God had been beaten down into a consciousness of unworthiness. Jesus realized that because of this low opinion of ourselves the chances were great that we would misunderstand the example he modeled for us, the example which we must each follow if we are to return to Christ Consciousness. Jesus knew that our lack of trust in ourselves was overwhelming. The potential was great that we would misconstrue his mission by believing that he had saved us, and that he had done for us the very things he came to demonstrate that we must do for ourselves.
So the final facet of Beloved Jesus' mission was to clearly reveal to Humanity that he cannot do this for us, and that we are not saved simply because he was here. Jesus left an example to prove that no matter how dedicated we are to him and his teachings, we are each responsible for our return to Christ Consciousness. In order to accomplish this facet of the Divine Plan, Jesus invoked the assistance of his Beloved Disciples.
After Jesus' resurrection, he remained on Earth for 40 days. During that time, he demonstrated to the Disciples what it was like to experience Christ Consciousness. Jesus expanded his Light Body and lifted the Disciples up in consciousness, so that they could know what it was like to become the Christ.
In this elevated state, the Disciples remembered their Divine Heritage as Beloved Children of God, and they were able to perform all of the miracles Jesus performed. They quickly learned the lessons that would enable them to continue the mission that had been started by their Beloved Brother. They prepared to spread the Truth of Humanity's Divinity, and to teach the path of Oneness and Divine Love that would lead to Christ Consciousness for every evolving soul.
At the end of the 40 days, it was time for Jesus to Ascend into the next phase of his mission. When the Heavens opened and Jesus Ascended into the Realms of Illumined Truth, it was no longer possible for him to sustain the Disciples in the elevated frequency of Christ Consciousness.
Since the Disciples had not attained Christ Consciousness through their own endeavors, once Jesus withdrew his Light Body they began to falter and become afraid. The Disciples realized that in spite of their great love for Jesus and their dedication to him and his mission, he could not save them or sustain them in Christ Consciousness. This was something each of them would have to accomplish on his own. The most Jesus could do was anchor the archetypes for Humanity's return to Christ Consciousness and demonstrate the path of Oneness and Divine Love that we must each follow.
For ten days the Disciples struggled with their predicament. On the 50th day after Jesus' resurrection, the day we now call Pentecost, the Disciples realized what they must do in order to attain and sustain Christ Consciousness.
On that day, the Disciples entered what was called the "Upper Room." This, in fact, was a higher state of consciousness that they each attained by consecrating their lives to the path of Oneness and Divine Love. In that elevated state of consciousness each of the Disciples opened his heart and from the depths of his Being invoked the return of our Mother God through a Baptism of the Holy Spirit. This time, the Baptism was by Sacred Fire instead of water.
In that instant, the Disciple's right-brain hemispheres were brought into perfect balance with their left-brain hemispheres. Their spiritual brain centers were activated, and their Crown Chakras were opened to full breadth. We have all seen depictions of the Disciples after their Baptism by the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. They are shown with a Flame pulsating from their Crown Chakras reflecting that they had regained Christ Consciousness, and that their mission of spreading Jesus' teachings to the world was at hand.
On that holy day of Pentecost, the Disciples were given what has been called "the gift of tongues." This is another aspect of the Piscean Age that has often been misunderstood. The gift of tongues did not mean that the Holy Spirit would speak through the Disciples in unintelligible syllables and sounds for someone to try and decipher. The gift of tongues gave the Disciples the ability to travel the face of the Earth and to teach the Truth of Humanity's Divinity and the path of Oneness and Divine Love to the peoples of the world in their own language. This eliminated the problem of language barriers and ensured the clarity of Jesus' message.
Even with all of the groundwork that was carefully laid during the Piscean Age, Jesus knew that it would be millennia before Humanity would really understand his message and reclaim our Divine Birthright as Beloved Children of God. He confirmed this knowing in Revelations when he stated, "In the Day of the Seventh Angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God will be fulfilled and time will be no more." He said this would involve the Second Coming of the Christ.
The predominant influence flooding the planet during the 2,000 years of the Piscean Age was the Sixth Solar Aspect of Deity. This Sacred Fire is ruby-gold and it reflects the Divine Qualities of Peace, Healing, Devotional Worship, Ministering Grace, the Christ working through the personality, and the Divine Image embodied in flesh. These influences were the perfect support that Jesus needed in order to accomplish his Divine Mission.
The Piscean Age was the Day of the Sixth Angel. Jesus is known as the Prince of Peace because of these influences, and his symbol is the fish because he was the Avatar of the Piscean Age, which is represented by the fish.
Now we fast forward to the Day of the Seventh Angel, who is beginning to sound. This Angel is heralding the Dawn of the New Age of Aquarius.
There is a lot of misinformation about the term New Age. Let me briefly share with you what a New Age really is. It is not a new religion, a movement, a philosophy, or the work of the devil as some are professing. The Dawn of a New Age is nothing more than a span of time.
As our Earth revolves on her axis every 24 hours, we experience a new day. As she orbits around the Sun every 365 and 1/4 days, we experience a new year. On this orbit around the Sun the Earth passes through the forcefields of the 12 natural constellations, which form our zodiac. During this annual orbit, the Earth and all Life evolving upon her are held in the Light and influence of these constellations for 28 to 31 days. These are our familiar Sun cycles, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, et cetera.
In addition to these very obvious time frames, the Earth is part of a much larger celestial event that is called the Precession of the Equinox. This rotation of the Earth's axis creates a counterclockwise movement through the 12 constellations in our Solar System. This slow rotation of Earth's axis takes between 24,000 and 26,000 years to complete. The Earth's movement is measured at the point where the Sun passes the equator on the Vernal Equinox. This point moves about 52 seconds per year, so it takes about 70 years for the Earth to move one degree. During this rotation the Earth is held in the embrace of each constellation for approximately 30 degrees, or 2,000 plus years. These 2,000-year cycles are what we refer to as the various Ages.
The Dawn of a New Age is a period of time that lasts between 150 and 300 years. It is a window of opportunity during the Precession of the Equinox when the energies of the Age we are leaving begin to ebb, and the energies of the constellation that we are moving into have not yet taken hold. It is during this lull of energy that our Father-Mother God evaluate the progress of their Children and determine the greatest need of the hour for our spiritual growth.
Since the latter part of the 1800's, we have been experiencing the Dawn of the New Age of Aquarius. The predominant influence for all Life on Earth during this 2,000-year cycle is the Seventh Solar Aspect of Deity. This Sacred Fire is the Violet Flame, which reflects the perfect balance of the polarities of our Father-Mother God. It also reverberates with the Divine Qualities of God's Infinite Perfection, Mercy, Compassion, Forgiveness, Transmutation, Liberty, Justice, the Power of Invocation, Divine Ceremony, and Victory.
It is because of the astronomical power and might contained within the frequencies of the Violet Flame that Beloved Jesus knew that in the Day of the Seventh Angel Humanity would at long last regain Christ Consciousness. This is what Jesus was referring to when he spoke of the Second Coming of the Christ and the mystery of God being fulfilled.
He was revealing the time when the Sons and Daughters of God evolving on Earth would reverse the adverse affects of our fall from Grace. This would be the time when Humanity would consecrate our lives to the path of Oneness and Divine Love by opening our Heart Chakras, invoking the return of our Mother God, and receiving a Baptism of the Holy Spirit by Sacred Fire. This would be the time when the Sons and Daughters of God would reclaim our Divine Potential and become the Christ grown to full stature-the time when we would accept our true reality as the only begotten Sons and Daughters of God.
Because of Humanity's feelings of unworthiness, many people believe it is blasphemous to think that anyone but Jesus could become the Christ, but in Truth Jesus came to reveal to us that every Child of God has the Divine Potential of becoming the Christ. This does not mean that everyone will be just like Jesus. Every Child of God is unique. We will each have our own individual way of living and expressing our Divine Potential as the Christ.
For over 100 years, the Violet Flame has been building in momentum on this planet. This caused a gradual awakening to take place within the hearts and minds of spiritually orientated people all over the world. Then on August 15th, 16th, and 17th, in 1987, we experienced a global phenomenon that was referred to as Harmonic Convergence. This event involved an influx of Divine Light that caused a quantum shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness for every particle of Life evolving on this sweet Earth.
Since that Cosmic Moment, the Earth has been moving up the spiral of evolution at warp speed. This has inspired myriad activities of Light, which have involved the unified efforts of embodied Lightworkers and the entire Company of Heaven. These events have accelerated the awakening of people who are seeking Truth, and those who are looking for answers that will reveal their true purpose and reason for being. These activities of Light have resulted in miracles beyond the greatest expectations of Heaven, and they have catapulted Humanity toward the fulfillment of our Divine Destiny.
Now it is time for the next step; it is time for Humanity en masse to awaken to the Truth of who we are and why we are here. It is time for every Child of God to reclaim our Divine Birthright, and to regain Christ Consciousness. It is time for the Second Coming of the Christ.
In 2008, we reached a critical mass of Light on this planet that allowed the patterns of perfection for the New Earth to be anchored in the physical plane. This event took place during the 21st anniversary of Harmonic Convergence. Once the patterns of perfection for the New Earth were securely anchored, the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth was given permission by our Father-Mother God to expand our Immortal Victorious Threefold Flames.
When the expansion of the Divinity in every heart was God Victoriously accomplished, our Father-Mother God granted a Cosmic Dispensation designed to help even the most recalcitrant souls remember their Divinity and the path of Oneness and Divine Love that would lead to Christ Consciousness. This extremely rare dispensation gave the I AM Presence of every person on Earth permission to intervene in our awakening process in an unprecedented way.
Our God Parents determined that the greatest need of the hour was for the Children of God to remember our Divinity and the Oneness of ALL Life. To assist us with this critical facet of our awakening process, a plan was set into motion. Our Father-Mother God issued a Divine Fiat requiring that the Temple of the First Initiation in the Heavenly Realms be open to all Humanity for a 12-month period in order to accelerate our illumination and enlightenment. Beginning in August 2008, and continuing through the 22nd anniversary of Harmonic Convergence in August 2009, our I AM Presence was allowed to escort us, in our finer bodies while we slept at night, into the Temple of the First Initiation.
There is no such thing as our soul being unconscious, so we always leave our bodies when we sleep. But this time it was different. This time, the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child had a special mission. For this 12-month cycle, we were all escorted into the Temple of the First Initiation where we were taught the process for returning to Christ Consciousness. The First Initiation is the initiation of Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life. It is the path that Jesus modeled for us during the Piscean Age. He did so in preparation for this very moment.
This rare dispensation was granted to Humanity's I AM Presence by our Father-Mother God because of the urgency of the hour. Due to the miracles that have taken place over the past two decades, every Child of God evolving on Earth has, at inner levels, made the choice to do what is necessary to move forward into the 5th Dimension. The problem is that there are many people who do not realize on a conscious level that they have made this choice. Consequently, as the human miscreations they have deliberately or inadvertently created throughout their Earthly sojourns are pushed to the surface to be transmuted into Light, they are becoming afraid and overwhelmed.
The intent of the Cosmic Dispensation granted by our Father-Mother God is to help with this situation. When we attain Christ Consciousness, we "see with new eyes, and hear with new ears." From this higher perspective, we are able to recognize new solutions to the maladies existing all around us, and we understand the importance of handling life's challenges from a consciousness of Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life. Our Father-Mother God knew of the opportunities that would be presented to Humanity in 2009, and they allowed this final step of preparation in order to help the masses of Humanity take a quantum leap into the Light.
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
Website: http: // eraofpeace. org
FAX: 520-751-2981;
Phone: 520-885-7909
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as the content is not changed and the proper credit line is included.
©2009 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.
What a crock (untruth and racial points of view, meaningless, nonsense, bunk it also means a broken earthenware pot, when broken cannot hold water, the tears of our relatives, nor can it be put together to form a whole of truth), for only TRUTH can speak TRUTH, not lies of deception, says White Buffalo Calf Woman, Elder Christal Person, your devoted servant.
Comment left by Aimee Sitayin Colors are Indigo, Green, Gray and Gray
Response by White Buffalo Calf Woman Colors are Christal, Yellow, Green and Gray
It is too mental. I cannot even absorb it all. I had to stop reading. It does not bring me back to heart awareness.
Yes this is mental, like Patricia Diane Cota-Robles does to misinform people. She does not use the heart. You see the magenta person like she is supposed to integrate Heaven with Earth, not trick others with their word ability. They have the gift of intelligence to be the counselor of earth's defence for they wear the robe of red, the law of love, however she uses her ability to confuse people like this whole blog does. That is why I had to out do her mental capacity, to do better than her at word usage. And you are right, not heart based and as I had to even write a foreward to the blog, because Magentas confuse Righteousness with Crockery, or just foolish bad behavior not to defend others but to serve themselves.
I do not cling to any one specific belief, myself. I go with what draws me to more LOVE and truth without holding on to ideas. Conceptualizing love is losing it's context. We are being asked to simply live it. This is done by clearing our own house of baggage, upsets and resentments...etc. etc.
This is called forgiveness and many do not know how to forgive others, instead they hold on to their baggage as you said. This is why daily fire ceremonies are used to help us forgive. I ask Elders to write who they need to forgive on paper made of wood as this is the law of love that binds us together. And then burn it up, to help with the forgiveness process.
And asking to be filled up with more love, then asking with all our hearts and souls to live it from a pure heart. It is a moment to moment process which involves breathing and surrendering to love with all one's will and intent.
A pureheart understands this, however when the heart if not pure, but full of hate and separation, there is much that stands in the way of receiving love. You carry three colors that teach you to embrace, Green, Gray and Gray, and you understand this process, however others do not have this same perception.
Now fire is very purifying from my experience. So I agree that daily fire ceremony burns out of our fields that which does not belong and brings clarity.
Yes, you said it perfectly, "what does not belong to us". To put things under and go on to green pastures is much better than to hold onto hatred. This is not easy for many as they wish to blame and not suffer for love!
As far as Mother Father God, my feeling is that God embodies both masculine and femine energy as we females and males were made in the image of God.
Yes, you again said it right, "God embodies both masculine and feminine energies". However when one uses the words Mother Father God, then we say this is one person, confusing others because they themselves do not understand what they are speaking about. If they don't understand, they blurt out what their hearts seem to understand, but this is not knowledge, but reflection of truth, and not truth. Only an Indigo or a Crystal person can state truth, like the both of us.
Another thing, there is a woman going around saying she is White Buffalo Calf Woman, a Violet person, who calls herself Mother Father God, what gall and arrogance does she really have. That's like saying she is Great Spirit Father as well as Great Spirit Mother, two and separate entities. She refuses to have a blessing from me Elder Crystal person, but has the strength and voice of Oneness, again, it is perspective and not truth. We are masculine in our light or flesh and we are feminine in our darkness or soul. However, these can change for our own evolutionary changes, like the soul maybe feminine, but our soul may very well be the masculine soul of lights. As I, a Crystal person, am the eldest sun in the house of God and you an Indigo person, is the youngest daughter in the house of God, yet our Souls are feminine quality of the Soul, because it stems from the numinous (heaven) or darkness of the heart, the feelings. And not the voice of rainbow colors like our flesh which is masculine quality of lights of the earthly realm.
Other than that I have no fixed ideas about this because as soon as we put LOVE in the box of religion it slips through our very fingers and we lose our footing on this precious Earth and dwell in the realm of Mental Hell....
One thing that Magenta people are to bring to this world is the unification of light and dark, or heaven and earth. However when they get caught up in mental abilities they have forgotten the soul of our hearts, which move to and fro from the reflection of lights like the moon. They are here to teach the dance and ceremonies to bring both worlds together. If we choose one over other, we do not do what we say. To be unified is to walk both realms at once, not two roads or two rivers, but one path, the Golden way, unified in Soul and Flesh, then we are happy. This is not a common feature with many in the world today as many cannot even say hello, or they will literally look through you or even worse just simply ignore you. As you know this is not love. Love binds us together, good with bad, and brings it home as ONE flowing river, the stream of the eternal.
Religion is not the practice of law of love, but separation of theologies. Many people do not like religion or anyone that represents religion. We are missionaries and yet, even churches do not help us, because we do not agree with theology of separation, but practice ONENESS for all even the bad. WE love everyone, that is LAW of LOVE. Now practicing how to be a Rainbow Warrior and standing your ground, this is not easy, and to practice and learn join us at or visit to get a more information or better yet join one of our hoops and groups listening in to the many songs and stories that come from the ONENESS listed at
A place I wish to never return to again! Aho! Aho! Aimee Sitayin Indigo Warrior
To release and forgive allows us to fly freely with our spirits. A place of suffering for self is living hell, but suffering for others, this is love, true love, like we choose when we give up something for our children in order they may have instead. This is true love.
Aho, means "may your spirit fly over the rolling hills in time". Indigo Aimee says it twice to allow freedom inside of her life and to shed freedom for others too, as we learn to forgive and embrace others.
Aho! your devoted servant, white buffalo calf woman, your twin deer mother, Elder crystal person
ps, I even had to add this forward to those sent in the hoops before the blog posting because of the confusion that Magenta people are so good at. They have the gift to defend others not defend self, as most do. And this is not love.
Relatives, we get into peoples faces to show them we love them, not to exclude them with hatred. If Patricia ever came to me and wanted a blessing, then we would remove this blog, however she lives in fear, and will not act righteously as I have, because I love her. Now we have magenta people around the world and even our own members who talk this way, to show hatred, and it does not stem from love. I write like a perfect warrior who speaks truth and practices love, which is because I care for her and for those she lies towards. I love Patricia, but she does not love herself or others who she acts deviously towards, because she has many to forgive. Let us all be warriors because we love the people not because we HATE. The law is love, not hate!
Remember to practice fire ceremonies daily and prayers and sacred ceremonies to prevent this happening to you. For heaven has no mercy like I do, they will simply exterminate you, like you squash a bug. Fire is coming to purify the world, including you! Get prepared my beloved family, get prepared for sacredness and fitness of the "Dawning" heaven upon earth.
your devoted servant,
white buffalo calf woman, your twin deer mother
elder christal person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter

Fire Offers Purification 