PIPE song for Elders today White Buffalo Calf Woman plays
Our heart is a song that rings and shines. Let all be aware instead of blind. Awaken to all the memories in time, our hearts begin to soar. I adore. There my soul knows all my relatives by name. There my soul longs to be part of the game. I sing my song for you today, to help you lean and pray, towards better days. I want to share the pipe that glows, the heaven's tale is told (journey of the sacred circle of life). And where the journey fills the sky, my embrace does find me here beside, the morning star (holy eight directions and birth of the garden) that shines my way, where blue and red come out to play (yellow road, I'm on my way). I find myself onto a better way, the light filled inside my heart does know, the river flows, my heart does grow. And as I feel the sacred rainbow, I know all grows from love.
PIPE song for Elders today Holiness Running Eagle says
Take my hand and hold on. Take my hand today. Put them together, my hand in yours and we will learn to pray. Hold on my darling forever. Lift up your heart and say, "I'm here to tell you a story. I am here to share always." And in my heart I know you need me. In my heart I feel all your pain. But today, I know you need more than a prayer, you need my hands. I'm reaching in the clouds to say, "I'm here look up, always". Blue skies hold me, forever and a day. Blue skies tell me I got water to play. And growing in my heart is reaching towards your heart, where my embrace is just looking at the sky. My arms are here and open wide (swelling heart).
I give my song to the world, to know how others feel. I hold your heart in my hand, to say, I'm here if you demand. Do you need my love this holy day? I want to be there and share your prayers this day. I know it's tomorrow, but I feel it all today. I want to give you a song and a prayer. Let us share our hearts so rare. Let us begin a holy way. Let us lean on love, where all is stirred from above, where the stars twinkle in the night, where the song lingers even during plight. I want to give to you my heart. You can hold it if you know how to be part, of something grander, than yourself, but expansive, give out a shout, feel the soul lingering within, to say, "I'm coming home". It's time for us to loom, all our hearts swim in the ocean blue, where time keeps us on track. Where heaven's love always lasts.
My soul I want to share with you. You are part of the story too. We are traveling near each other's heart, just sow we can impart. Let us learn wisdom everyday. Teach us how to validate our ways. Share a song in the winds of time, when we reverberate and (the) tune is in stake (stand silent and listen to the wind), let's open late (physical world), but blossom soon (spiritual world). This song I sing for you. I hold it close to my heart. I am walking towards you. I am an Elder who is true. And when you walk away, you don't (have) of heaven's ways. You are walking away from me, where a song could be caught in the breeze. We are here to show you love. And to hold you close like gloves. Where all is close to your heart. Where all is heaven's sent to do your part (oneness we are part of the breeze). We belong to you and me, where the blue road is the heavenly sea. That's where my heart does linger in. That's where my soul walks and begins.
I want to give you a song. Can you receive it all along? It's time to allow heaven to come on home, where children learn to lead and roam. Can you bring a song to me? Can you share a heavenly breeze? Won't you linger in the sun? The place inside where brother-hood lives on ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ Can you bee (dream impossible dreams) a heavenly breeze? Can you feel all of God's knees (bowing down to pray)? We are here, Elders who love you, down on our knees, where heaven has a view. We bow down to Mother Earth. We stand up for Great Mother's girth. WE embrace all we dream because of Her. We show esteem, because love is Her very worth. And it's time for us to know, how great it is to be a loving show. Where heaven lives in your heart and when we do our heavenly part.
Now it's time to say, I begin. Now it's time to say, no more sin. Now it's time to purify our hearts. To be thankful for all our parts. We are elders who love your sow. We bow to bring you the sacred rainbow. And at the end, where we bow and break, when (we) heave (expel impure) and put down our stakes (demand), planting seeds along the way, for heaven's Greatness is hear/here to stay. And before you go away this day, I want to say, how much I praise. I want you to know, I will sing for you. I will show you how to have a fabulous view. Now all I need is your cherished heart. Can you bow down and begin a great new start? Can you light a fire in your heart? Can you fill the sky with loving parts? Now I have to leave you this day, but as Elders who always remember to pray, we cherish you dearly in our hearts. We hold you filling every single part.
You are God (part of the great Oneness). We need you too. We belong to the God who is true (to love). We are goodness, each of the blue, just have to remember, who is really who (those who give-a-way blessings this very day). And in spirit, you can walk again. All you have to do, is say, "Have you blessed too?" And if they agree, relatives exchange, the lowest bow, we all can embrace. I give you my love, my tears of the blue. I give you my heart and I will always be true. I give you my soul, forever and a day. I will love you and I will always pray. (tears/rain over rolling hills, where the rainbow casts it's rays)
LOWER HEAVEN will you sing please.
Ba di di dum, I hit my strum. My heart does beat, down to my feet. I dance this day, to watch the sun rays, the fire of light, that gifts us all life, the sun dance begins in your heart. And we are strumming a new song below. In heaven, where all is really cold. But we light our roaring fire, and dance away the mire. We are blessed, when we dance the night away, to save the days. We are Elders from below a new realm, where the Elders come to dance a show. All you have to do is bless with, a fire that you nested. And it's in your heart that flows. It's in your heart that glows. Heaven is below, right where your feet grow.
UPPER HEAVEN will you sing please.

We come to gift our hearts. We come to greet and impart. We come to share our loyal hearts. We come to show vigilance is a part. We of (upper) heaven above all that is gold (pure hearts). We the stars that shine forever do glow. We hold you near our hearts. We share all and impart (knowledge). We are forever in our hearts. Our heaven, our loyal part. We are sending healing rays, to all of heaven, down below the sun rays. We are beholden to all a garden can grow, to allow the sacred snow. And with our heavenly hearts, we do share all our sacred parts. And it's time for us to realize, "WE belong to the heavenly skies". We are kaleidescope to the path, where all does last and blast. We are heaven's arms awakening time. We bring heaven's arms open wide. We are to believe, to shine on all the sacred leaves, where the tree of life is ONE, among a forest under a sun. And we conceive all your dreams come true. And we believe, they all can come true. We are part of your life, no matter if you think twice, because we are heaven, who always sing, to bring happiness to those who begin. And it's heaven, where our souls flow, a running river, that's full of gold. And our hearts do sing to greet time, forever we will shine.
HEAVEN will you sing please.

Come and greet you this day. Come and greet your soul in a gorgeous way. Look at the mirror of delight, know what you look at might cause fright, but if you look past the glow, and you look deeper, where the heart glows, you will find a perfect light, the stem of those who are in fright, perfect love will rule your life. Perfect heart will conquer all strife. Just have to believe, that all dreams conceived, can ultimately be all you need. Come journey with me, over rolling hills please. Come gather, know the dust. Great matter, from the must/k (knows/nose is the bridge to other realms). Always remember sacred rainbows bring us home, the living storm that sows, a seed of love. A seed of love does grow. And it's in a heart of a rainbow, a Mother surely knows. And when she gifts us life, the beginning of a soul lives in strife (turning lessons into treasures). This is the blessings we conceive, because magic heals our knees. And it's time to surely have a dream or two. Point the arrow of satisfy and draw your bow (archer of the indigo prophet reflects truth, listen to your perfect soul) and reach for the sky (embraced and realized). You will find that rainbows give us life, to begin anew. To begin anew. Heaven has come home to you. We come to greet the magical true. And our hearts do greet you in the sky. We will blink twice, once for the mirror of life, once for the heart in strife. We will always be with you, wakan tankan (walking talking, Great Spirit) it's true. Be a Great Spirit in you!
EARTH will you sing please.

Jumping over the moon today. I want to fly in the heart of play. Can a cow (four sacred directions) jump over the moon? Can we grow tall like a tree too? How do I get close to you? I want to dream two! Give it a day and a night to show display. All in a day, it's a sacred way. I know, I have four directions and I can fly to the moon. I can be tall as a tree. All I have to do is believe. All I have to do is conceive. All I have to do is show love to the world, and I can sail. From see to sea (heart vision), from shore to shore (each other), from heaven sent (you), I do adore. I will be true, for my Earth. I explore, a paradise, you offer me more. I can be a cow and show you how, to jump over a moon and bow (sacred cow, the buffalo). Just believe it's true and it's done. Just conceive and it's hung (sound, tone when you hit a bell -freedom-, but also the bottom of a wave -green grass fields-, like men have two balls -red and blue- that hang, to leap down to the earth to play -yellow road of dreams-, the red road -law of love- is near, when the song is heard, and all is heavenly again). I do pray.
For the WORLD song.
The book of life where my soul (numinous) and my four sacred directions in rainbow colors gift my tools of light (luminous). Each tree represents my life in a forest of the Great Oneness, we call God. We belong to each other. |
Come greet this world with me. Come find a sacred tree. Come lead a heart to a hearth, a place, that warms the heart. Come find a soul that desires. Come bring a home with surprise. Come bring a whole family down on their knees, to bring peace home again. I say, it's a wonderful world. All we have to do is bend (bow) and be heard. It's a place God gifts to us. A place we gift to them (Oneness of God). A place we unite as relatives again. Come greet our hearts and bend. Bow down and blow with the wind. Forever and a day, it's longing to feel praise, for blessing the world. For blessing the fire. For blessing the water herd (we all from the heavenly blue). I bless you sow I can be heard.
There is mustard plants growing in field. And it's all yellow, golden grains that fill. And it's hard not to believe, when golden fields perceive heaven on earth, come on home. We need you to be part of this wonderful heart. I pray, you join us there, in the wind. I look up to the sky and begin. Great Spirits hold me close to your heart. Great Spirit, I hold you close to my heart. Great Spirit, I hope one day, I can be like your ark, traveling throughout time. I only hope I can be like you and shine.
There is a soul who needs to have faith, don't think you don't have a place. Instead give thee (to) other(s), the place that seems smothered, a place, where heaven opens the heart. It's time for us to bend down, to try and send the prayers down, inside our hearts we forgive those, who lost their way. We know, they forgot to pray. And sow I say to you in the wind, I will pray for you to return. Someday, you will find me, and I will be willing arms to finally bleed (suffer for those who are in need), to know your heart opened up to smart (sting, turning lessons into treasures), to sea it the real wave, the sacred parade.
I will hold you close to me, all Great Spirits, you belong to the sea (blue of heaven's streams). The oceans of time, that make all blind (rainbow colors that shine). We are beholden to the golden (inner light that purifies). We are treasured, to make a perfect measure. We (are) taking, not faking, but making a heart that knows, how to receive (God's treasures). It's love, that lives in the breeze.
I bless you through and through. I bless you in the new. I bless your sacred heart. I bless all the perfect parts. I bless the waves of time that realize. I bless the heart that stays. I bless the whole of this world. I bless all relatives who are heard. I bless the space of heaven that holds us near. I bless the feet we walk on, that shows us fear (lessons learn about love). I bless us, the heartbeat, that knows the way. I bless the perfect radiate day. I bless Elders where ever they play. Don't forget, that I love you. Don't forget to pray too. Don't forget, it's a mustard seed that gifts us a new veiw. Golden fields you are happy. I bless your dreams come true. I bless your nine directions. I bless your heart true.
Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother and Sacred Drum Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star your Father Red Hand for the heart of Elders who attended the Elders Agenda Meeting (only fire blessings with the exchange of prayers, will allow one to enter). These are the Songs we share with you, the Rainbow Clan.
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Pray With Elders around the World

Elders gift the heart of love, they bring us closer to those of doves (peace, and walking on water is of faith), the flight of heaven sent from inside, the darkness of the numinous glow. Here we long to know our peace, the grace of gifting, the embrace of geese, and we flow together right in a row, because the formation is the Sacred Rainbow (Star of David's perfection, the lambs of God). Can we really know your sun (the golden light, when we know the soul and flesh unites, when we say what we do), well God is coming and we are planning the run (over rolling hills, we journey), the race of men, the lights of the buffalo bloom (four sacred directions within you), here we come, to know your zoom (flight of the soul). I hope to sea you on the other side, where we are to be like hides (skin of the soul, the lights, our flesh, the red road, where law of love presides), the story written on our cells, that love, carried us through!